About Us

At Sheep Shagger Apparel, we envision a world where laughter and fun reign supreme, where even the simplest joys bring smiles to faces. Our goal extends beyond mere clothing; we aspire to become synonymous with joy, spreading laughter and amusement to every corner of Canada and beyond. We are open to interpretation

At Sheep Shagger Apparel, we foster a culture of creativity and irreverent humor. Every member of our team, who are also stakeholders in our company, is encouraged to unleash their wit and imagination in crafting products that embody our cheeky spirit. We draw inspiration from all forms of comedy, from edgy humor to playful inuendoes, from embarrassing moments to non-politically correct quips.


Based on the following quote: "A fart is the lonesome cry of an imprisoned turd."

In our pursuit of hilarity, we embrace cheeky wit and edgy humor, unafraid to push boundaries and challenge conventions. We believe that laughter knows no bounds and that through our unconventional approach, we can bring joy to even the most unexpected places.

  • Introduce your brand's story.

  • Share what you value, and what you strive to create for your customers.

  • Include some information about your brand's origins or founders.

  • Consider adding an image to this column for more visual interest.

  • Continue the story of your brand.

  • Consider adding an image to this column for more visual interest.

  • Continue the story of your brand.

Share a key point about your brand

  • Describe the key point and how it benefits your customers.

  • Describe the key point and how it benefits your customers.